Understanding The NIST Cybersecurity Framework During the past three decades, since the advent of the internet, our technological evolution has witnessed dramatic development. This shift has permanently altered the landscape of our communication, economies, and business operations. Across this changing environment, businesses have consistently encountered cybersecurity threats. And in this past year, with the COVID-19 […]

Security Measures You Need to Take When Using Remote Desktop It seems there’s not a day that goes by that cybersecurity isn’t being threatened by the likes of criminals and other ill-intentioned folks. At such a pivotal moment, millions of workers everywhere are transitioning to remote work, many for the first time. Businesses worldwide are […]

Why is it Important to Update Security Patches? You most likely have come across the term ‘security patch’ in your computer or other electronic devices that get software updates pushed to them as they become available. At first glance, that word may not sound like a big deal, and often users will click the button […]

What is a Cybersecurity Audit & Why is it Important Imagine for a moment that you’re building a new house. Once construction is complete, you notice that your sink leaks. You walk into your attic and realize there’s no insulation. Your basement is humid and mold is growing because proper dryer ventilation has failed. As […]

Cyber Security with Cloud Computing: Is it Necessary? If there’s one concept in the technology sector that’s often misunderstood, it’s the cloud. Once a hot and trendy new technology, cloud computing has become a daily staple in almost everyone’s life. From smartphone storage for our photos to multi-site data distribution, the power of cloud computing […]

Phishing 101: Identifying and Protecting Against Email Scams As phishing scams grow less transparent by the day, being on high alert for malicious emails meticulously masked as trustworthy items in your inbox has become of immeasurable importance.

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Inadequate Firewall Protection Having a good understanding of the ways attacks on firewalls are not adequately secured will help stop your business from becoming a victim of malicious activity. Your network firewall is very similar to the front line of an army; it is the first part of […]

Top Ransomware Viruses Attacking Businesses Today Ransomware is one of the most virulent, persistent threats to individuals and enterprises around the globe. Businesses can spend years building up their reputation, including a commitment to the security of their customers, and yet have it torn down in seconds by one ransomware data breach. It’s not just […]

The Biggest Hacks & Data Breaches of 2021 More than 1,700 publicly reported data breaches occurred in the first half of 2021, exposing 18.8 billion pieces of information, according to a report issued by cybersecurity company Risk Based Security Inc. The effects of a cyberattack can ripple for years, leading to a wide range of […]

Understanding NIST Compliance & Its Benefits From small businesses to large corporations, cybersecurity remains a top priority. Security protocols are not the exclusive interest of government agencies or international companies. The risk to sensitive information and business interests has developed into a wide-reaching concern. For these reasons, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), […]