What is network infrastructure security? Your organization or enterprise has put in a great deal of time and effort to establish your network’s infrastructure. Countless hours have been invested in developing the proper resources to ensure your network provides connectivity, operation, management, and communication. The intricate architecture and strategy of your hardware, software and services […]

Understanding Ransomware We are all familiar with media representations of kidnap and ransom. A child of a wealthy or powerful parent is taken from the playground, and then a note is sent demanding cash for their release. Imagine something similar happening to your business—except the child is your data, and it doesn’t matter if you’re […]

Moving your data and operations to the cloud is often described as a means of improving scalability, reducing infrastructure costs, and making it easier to stay updated. However, the implications for security can be a major concern for businesses, especially if you prefer to be in charge of your own security infrastructure. Cloud Security Myths […]

As the first wave of lockdowns and quarantines sprung up all over the world, millions of people switched off their office computers and transitioned into remote work. This transition has had wide consequences for IT personnel, but the biggest and most worrisome of them is the issue of security. A Quick Cybersecurity Checklist For The […]

The Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Watch Out For The shift to remote work may be one of the biggest challenges faced by IT today! It’s a huge challenge to maintain security when an entire organization is using its personal devices to connect over the public internet. Malicious actors in the world of cybersecurity are […]

What are the Top Cyber Security Threats in 2020? Over 50% of small- to mid-sized businesses experience a cyber-attack at some point. These attacks cost on average $149,000 in downtime, lost revenue, or out-of-pocket expenses such as ransom payments or recovery services. 8 Top Cyber Security Threats in 2020 With the right disaster recovery system, […]

For many financial, healthcare, or government contractors, cybersecurity compliance is complicated and daunting. In addition to federal regulations, companies processing personal information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, names, driver’s license numbers, and more also have important practices they must follow to protect this information. The rules, standards, and regulations can not only […]

An increasingly digital world has made it easier than ever to support small and mid-sized businesses. However, this technological convenience comes with a price. Cybersecurity threats not only put small to mid-sized businesses at risk of having information stolen or misused; they also run a significant risk of catastrophic data loss that can disrupt or […]

With the sensitive data stored and communicated at law firms, it’s no wonder they’re often the target of cybersecurity threats. In the 2017 ABA Legal Technology Survey, it was released that 22% of law firms were hacked or experienced data breaches in 2017. This number was highest for small law firms with 10-49 lawyers, of […]

Many sites we visit daily get hacked into by those who try to steal identities or credit card information or both. This causes severe issues with businesses who daily earn our trust, such as banks or hospitals, schools and regular apps we use for social purposes. When those sites are compromised, we can sometimes lose […]