Bridget Wilson (Network Coverage’s CISO) comments on safeguarding against today’s growing cybersecurity threats
Rental Management wrote a great piece entitled “Cybersecurity: Safeguarding against growing threats.”
A summary of the article:
The average ransom demanded by cybercriminals increased by 20% to $1.8 million in 2021, with data breaches increasing by 68% compared to the previous year. Personally identifiable information breaches also increased from 80 to 83%. Bridget Wilson, the chief information security officer at Network Coverage, warns that while the same types of cyberattacks are being used, the attack vectors are more advanced than ever before. Phishing scams via text message are increasing, with attackers using specific bait such as gift card lures and account compromise fakes.
Wilson recommends being careful about posting contact information on social media and not clicking on links in unsolicited texts. Wire fraud and business email compromises are also increasing, with attackers lying in wait to interject themselves into email threads and change payment information. Wilson advises businesses to educate staff about cybersecurity threats and implement policies to prevent cyberattacks, such as routine automated patch schedules, and having staff confirm payment information changes over the phone. Read the full piece over at ararental.org.
“We are seeing the same [types of cyber-attacks] rehashed, but the attack vectors are more advanced and being used in a more skilled way now than ever before…”
says Bridget Wilson, Chief Information Security Officer, Network Coverage (Danvers, Mass.) — a firm that provides information technology solutions and managed cybersecurity services.
Protect your company from cybersecurity threats by leveraging the latest threat detection strategy recovery services from Network Coverage.