IT Industry Articles, Guides, and White Papers

As the first wave of lockdowns and quarantines sprung up all over the world, millions of people switched off their office computers and transitioned into remote work. This transition has had wide consequences for IT personnel, but the biggest and most worrisome of them is the issue of security. A Quick Cybersecurity Checklist For The […]

The Cybersecurity Threats You Need To Watch Out For The shift to remote work may be one of the biggest challenges faced by IT today! It’s a huge challenge to maintain security when an entire organization is using its personal devices to connect over the public internet. Malicious actors in the world of cybersecurity are […]

Enterprise Firewalls: A Guide To Placement In Business Networks Firewalls are an essential component of any business network. They act as a filter between the network and any external traffic, serving as the first line of defense against outside threats.  Enterprise firewall configuration, however, is a bit more complicated than working with standard consumer-grade firewalls. […]

Data Backup, Dealing with “Dirty” Data – What’s It All Mean? If an IT consultant told you that backing up data is one of the most important things for your technical team to do well, you’d probably nod in agreement. But what if they suggested that your dirty data requires cleaning prior to utilization? One […]

Switching to Cloud Computing as a Small Business If you are a small business considering switching your storage and systems to cloud computing, you may be wondering if it’s the right decision for you. There are several benefits to cloud computing, including reduced costs, increased accessibility, and improved flexibility. However, many small businesses also worry […]

Server virtualization and Its Importance Server virtualization is hardly a new technology. The practice became popular half a century ago with companies such as IBM and GE as the rapid evolution of applications began requiring time-sharing computers. From this technology, virtualization was quickly born. What is Server Virtualization? Server virtualization is the process of restructuring […]

Deciding whether managed IT services or IT consulting is right for your company depends on the capabilities of your current IT team and the state of your existing technology. IT consulting includes an external company auditing your current technology and providing recommendations and strategies for improving it. In contrast, managed IT services help companies streamline […]

What are the Top Cyber Security Threats in 2020? Over 50% of small- to mid-sized businesses experience a cyber-attack at some point. These attacks cost on average $149,000 in downtime, lost revenue, or out-of-pocket expenses such as ransom payments or recovery services. 8 Top Cyber Security Threats in 2020 With the right disaster recovery system, […]

It can be daunting to consider outsourcing IT services for your company. After all, not only do your operations depend on having reliable systems, but so does your company’s security, compliance, and productivity. In many circumstances, outsourcing your IT—with the right outsourced IT services company—can save you time, improve your reliability, and increase productivity. However, […]

What is Cloud-Based Business Intelligence? Business intelligence (BI) is becoming a more popularly-utilized business tool in companies of all sizes. While the strategy of collecting and analyzing data to predict outcomes and make business decisions was traditionally reserved for larger corporations, even smaller businesses now are seeing the benefits of prioritizing a BI-forward strategy. Traditional […]