IT Industry Articles, Guides, and White Papers

An increasingly digital world has made it easier than ever to support small and mid-sized businesses. However, this technological convenience comes with a price. Cybersecurity threats not only put small to mid-sized businesses at risk of having information stolen or misused; they also run a significant risk of catastrophic data loss that can disrupt or […]

With the sensitive data stored and communicated at law firms, it’s no wonder they’re often the target of cybersecurity threats. In the 2017 ABA Legal Technology Survey, it was released that 22% of law firms were hacked or experienced data breaches in 2017. This number was highest for small law firms with 10-49 lawyers, of […]

Many people feel they have an understanding of “managed services,” but find they struggle when asked to define it. What, exactly, are “managed services” anyway? What does it mean to receive managed services, and what does a managed services provider (MSP) do for you? What are Managed Services? “Managed services” most commonly refer to an […]

Many sites we visit daily get hacked into by those who try to steal identities or credit card information or both. This causes severe issues with businesses who daily earn our trust, such as banks or hospitals, schools and regular apps we use for social purposes. When those sites are compromised, we can sometimes lose […]

Deciding what type of managed services are required for your business takes some time to plan. Simple upkeep or a full suite of services, and anything in between is things that each company must take into consideration. Do you need networking and infrastructure? This can be set up on-site or help find the right outsourcing […]

How many times have you written that report or taken those amazing once in a lifetime pictures only to have your computer crash and then everything is lost forever? Starting all over with that report may be okay, but those pictures? Yikes! Fortunately, most people now have phones that are able to save things to […]

Without sufficient company-wide policies in regard to passwords, your business can be at great risk. The opportunities to take advantage of individuals within a business by gaining access to confidential information, company funds, and other accounts that contain sensitive material are increased.

Hackers are everywhere, and any data they can get is a breach of security. Since security matters every moment of the day, as the network manager, you need to be aware of all the different ways a hacker can infiltrate your network.

Data loss is a real problem that can create legal liabilities and financial losses. Even something as simple and innocent as a hard-drive failure could cause your company to lose data. Human error can cause important data to be deleted in the blink of an eye with no way for it to ever be recovered […]

Before we talk about the specific scams that you’ll see in your inbox, let’s look at the key factor across all phishing emails: getting you to forward personal information. Any email which suggests entering personal information via email, via a form after a link, or even just by getting you to log into an account […]