IT Industry Articles, Guides, and White Papers

IT Talent Shortages Leading to Increased Outsourcing Needs As you’ve probably witnessed, the last year or two have been different, to put it mildly. With a global pandemic, a rise in remote workers, and an ever-growing amount of tech ‘boomers’ retiring — a return to normalcy doesn’t look like it’s coming soon to the IT […]

Benefits of Hiring a Top IT Company Navigating the modern business world can be difficult, especially without experience in tech. Like it or not, technology is a critical part of running a business in today’s world no matter what you do. Unfortunately, many businesses fall short due to a lack of IT consulting. Having somebody […]

Trends in Business Intelligence (BI) & Data Analytics There is no doubt that the world and businesses are being driven by a new level of technology and data. This includes everything from vast amounts of data collected on consumer practices to the data moving global supply chains. Understanding and implementing these data practices have become […]

Public Cloud vs. Private Cloud The landscape of technology is continuously evolving, and the realm of cloud-based solutions is no exception. Emerging options for cloud technology are diverse and complex. A core question in this context relates to how the public cloud is distinct from a private cloud. Structures and deployments for the cloud are […]

A Guide to Identifying & Reducing Network Congestion To understand how to prevent almost anything, it is often critical to first understand some of the causes of the thing we want to avoid. For congested networks, the method used to fix the issue can often be directly related to the reason. Imagine trying to fix […]

Integrating Sage with Microsoft Programs A vast expansion of markets for software solutions entails an ever-diversifying landscape of opportunity. But it can also present individuals and businesses with an overwhelming array of decisions. Deciding on how to upgrade or transition to new software platforms can present challenges. At the same time, new software solutions are […]

Why is it Important to Update Security Patches? You most likely have come across the term ‘security patch’ in your computer or other electronic devices that get software updates pushed to them as they become available. At first glance, that word may not sound like a big deal, and often users will click the button […]

What is a Cybersecurity Audit & Why is it Important Imagine for a moment that you’re building a new house. Once construction is complete, you notice that your sink leaks. You walk into your attic and realize there’s no insulation. Your basement is humid and mold is growing because proper dryer ventilation has failed. As […]

Virtualization has been a big part of enterprise computing since the mainframe days of the 60s when computing resources were time-shared by universities and large companies. Today, virtualization has largely the same function, as the demands of cloud computing require vast quantities of virtual instances to serve the needs of many people at once. How […]

On-Premise Network Changes Needed for Remote Work Revamping your network for a predominantly remote workforce requires a lot of forethought — at least, more than we may have previously thought. Throughout the last few years, as the need to cater to remote workers grew exponentially, many companies are having to make quick changes to compensate […]