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Why You Need to Preserve Your Software and Data

January 6, 2019
By: Eric Tomah in the Infrastructure category.

Data loss is a real problem that can create legal liabilities and financial losses. Even something as simple and innocent as a hard-drive failure could cause your company to lose data. Human error can cause important data to be deleted in the blink of an eye with no way for it to ever be recovered again. Even weather-related issues like lightning and flooding can destroy data that hasn’t been saved properly.

Of course, there is an even bigger issue to worry about. Hackers are on a constant mission to access your files. You don’t have to be a big or obvious target to become the victim of a data breach. A hacker will simply choose your company at random and use ransomware to hold valuable files hostage. It doesn’t always have to be as dramatic as that. Sometimes a software virus can just delete the files that you are storing.

Choosing the Right Backup Solution for Your Company

The good news is that you don’t need to be intimated by the backup process if you own a business. Unfortunately, many people put off the task of coming up with a plan for backing up data and software because they think that the process has to be difficult, confusing, or expensive. It doesn’t. You can start to take control of the situation right now by discovering the backup methods that are available and deciding which one is right for your company.

Some Easy Options for Data and Software Backups

One of the simplest ways to back up important information is through an external hard drive. This process simply uses an external USB hard drive to connect to a machine’s built-in backup capabilities. Here are some fast and easy highlights to know:

  • You can use the File History tab on Windows 10 and Windows 8 when initiating a backup.
  • You can use the Windows Backup tab on Windows 7.
  • Macs use the Time Machine tab.

What do you need to do if this is the right method for your company? You will want to connect the drive to your machine and activate the backup process at regular intervals to ensure that your data is backed up.

The big advantage of going with an external hard drive as a backup method is that it is easy and cheap. That means you’re likely to actually do it. However, there is always the possibility that a hard drive can be lost or stolen. Factors like flooding and fire can also cause a hard drive and all of the information contained within it to be destroyed.

Are you interested in next-level security and peace of mind? Another method is to use the Internet to back up your files. You will need to use a special backup service that automatically backs up your files if you go with this option. You might want help with setting up something like this if you’re intimidated by the idea of setting up and maintaining your own system.

The nice thing about using an Internet-based backup system is that you are getting solid, consistent protection. A backup program like this simply runs in the background and automatically backs up files. You will be able to access your files if they are lost for any reason. What’s more, you are protected in the case of hard-drive failure or theft.

Don’t forget about the cloud when it comes to backing up your important data. There are many Preserving Software & Datacloud-based backup systems that will automatically sync, save, and store your files. This can be a very inexpensive and easy option if you have a small number of files to save. Keep in mind that you’ll need to pay extra for cloud storage if you have a large number of files.

However, peace of mind and easy access will certainly be worth it. Some of the options out there that you might want to consider are iCloud for Apple products, OneDrive for Windows users, Google Drive for Android users, and Dropbox for any device. There are also special programs that offer extra layers of customization and protection.

Of course, it is essential to make sure that these backup programs have been set up properly and that they are working in harmony with your system. Nothing is worse than having false peace of mind over the fact that your files are being saved when the reality is that things were set up improperly.

Find the Right Way to Preserve Your Data

It’s okay if the idea of keeping your data backed up and safe seems a little bit overwhelming. After all, you have a lot on your plate already. You shouldn’t have to spend hours being tied up with the business of safeguarding your business from breaches.

That’s why making a seamless plan that works with all your systems and applications automatically is the best option. This ensures that you won’t be trying to piece together backup strategies on your own and constantly worrying that there are huge holes in place. Here are the six signs of good backup protocol:

  • Seamless integration.
  • Scalable properties that make a backup system capable of growing with your company.
  • A level of protection that works for your budget without requiring any safety sacrifices.
  • An automatic action that happens around the clock or at designated intervals.
  • Standards that meet the strictest security and compliance requirements.
  • Efficiency ensures things are being backed up and systems are running smoothly without any clunky processes.

The bottom line is that a backup method won’t work unless it works for your company’s needs. That’s why customization is so important when it comes to exploring backup options for your applications.

There’s no reason to simply do things at half speed while keeping your sensitive and important data safe. Data is always in danger. It’s essential to go all the way to create and implement a plan that will ensure your systems are safe across the board.

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